Create Payment
Version v.1.0.

2.1. Create Payment

2.1. Create Payment
POST /api/v1/payments/{paymentProduct}

Create payment order, depending on the transfer type.

Path parameters
No path parameters.

Query parameters
No query parameters.

Request headers

Attribute Type Condition Description
X-Request-ID UUID Mandatory ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party (TPP)
Authorization String Mandatory The oAuth2 Bearer token obtained from the performed SCA performed prior to this request.
PSU-IP-Address String Mandatory The forwarded IP address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP address field between PSU and TPP
Consent-ID UUID Mandatory The consent ID of the related AIS consent.
PSU-IP-Port String Optional The forwarded IP Port header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Port field between PSU and TPP, if available
PSU-Device-ID UUID Optional UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device, which is used by the PSU if available. UUID identifies either a device or a device dependent application installation. In case of an installation identification this ID needs to be unaltered until removal from device
PSU-Geo-Location String Optional The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available
PSU-Geo-Location String Optional The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available.

Request body

Attribute Type Condition Description
instructedAmount Amount Mandatory The amount and currency of the transfer
debtorAccount String Optional The debtor’s account IBAN
creditorName String Mandatory The name of the creditor
creditorAccount String Mandatory The creditor’s account IBAN

Response Code
HTTP Response Code 201 (Created).

Response headers

Attribute Type Condition Description
Location String Mandatory Location of the crated resource (if created)
X-Request-ID UUID Mandatory ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party (TPP)
ASPSP-SCA-Approach String Mandatory REDIRECT

Response body

Attribute Type Condition Description
paymentStatus Payment Status Mandatory The Payment Status.
paymentId String Mandatory Resource identification of the generated payment initiation resource
_links Links Mandatory A list of hyperlinks to be recognized by the TPP. Typical value will be “scaOAuth”
psuMessage String Array of TPP Optional Text to be displayed to the PSU
tppMessages Message Information Optional Messages to the TPP on operational issues