4.3. Get consent status
4.3. Get consent status
Get consent details.
Path parameters
Attribute | Type | Description |
consentId | String | The consent identification assigned to the created resource. |
Query parameters
No query parameters.
Request headers
Attribute | Type | Condition | Description |
X-Request-ID | String | Mandatory | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party (TPP). |
Authorization | String | Mandatory | The oAuth2 Bearer token obtained from the performed SCA performed prior to this request. |
API-Key | String | Mandatory | Consumer key available on the developers portal. |
Request body
No request body.
Response Code
HTTP Response Code 200 (OK).
Response headers
Attribute | Type | Condition | Description |
X-Request-ID | UUID | Mandatory | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party (TPP). |
Response body
Attribute | Type | Condition | Description |
consentId | String | Mandatory | The unique identifier of the consent. |
consentStatus | Consent Status | Mandatory | The overall lifecycle status of the consent. |
Consent status
Value | Description |
received | The consent data have been received and are technically correct. The data is not authorised yet. |
rejected | The consent data have been rejected e.g. since no successful authorisation has taken place. |
valid | The consent is accepted and valid for GET account data calls and others as specified in the consent object. |
revokedByPsu | The consent has been revoked by the PSU towards the ASPSP. |
expired | The consent expired. |
terminatedByTpp | The corresponding TPP has terminated the consent by applying the DELETE method to the consent resource. |